Coaching Tip Of The Day – If You Could…

If You Could Do Anything – What Would You Do Where would you go on vacation? Who Would you hang with?Where would you live? What would you do for your vocation? If You Could Be…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – I Me My

I- Me-My How Are You To Talk To? How much of a pause is there between when someone finishes a sentence and you start yours? Do you really listen or just look for a space…


Healing The Layers of Imprints: The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound We are multilevel energy beings. We have influences from our immediate life experience, past lives, ancestral imprints. Also DNA intrusions, hooks, chords, contracts, curses, implants, imprints, entities, obstacles, and karma. Our…


Drumming and Dancing: Part I

Dolphin woman Charlotte drumming.

This summer’s Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop was about combining the shamanic technique of drumming and journeying with the beautiful nature that was present on the island of Kauai. First Time Drummer One afternoon, we went…


Adventures in Hawaii

As I browse through my photos of my summer experiences, fond memories fill my mind. I have been home for just a few days and miss the island terribly. On my last evening on Kauai…


Music Night at Toby’s Hawaii House

Sherie with Toby on guitar.

As my adventures on the island of Kauai unfolded, I had the pleasure of having a couple of friends visit from the mainland. Terry Kingen has been a great friend of mine since elementary school.…


Drumming in Hawaii

Besides her awesome voice, Rebecca can really drum!

This last month we had a rocking Healing Drummer Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop in Hawaii. Part of the magic we created included a couple of good drum jams by the ocean. It’s amazing how inspiring…


A Night of Drumming

Tori on the djembe

Some of the time here on the island spontaneous occurrences present themselves. One night, my friend Terry Kingen was visiting me with his daughter, Tori, and she spotted my drums lined up along the wall.…


Full Moon Ceremony

Healing Drum at Full Moon Fire

My time on the island of Kauai has been beyond amazing. The students that have come for the workshops have been a tremendous blessing. To know that there are now many new “healers” in the…


Blues in the Basement, Part II

It was so fun watching Guy and Terry jam on those old dusty acoustic guitars. We started teasing Guy about how he emulates Jimi Hendrix so well and how I want to learn how to…
