Wellbeing, In the world of high stress that we live in, it is a constant battle to maintain a sense of peace and tranquility. With pollution in the air, processed food everywhere, maintaining a sense…
Tag: joy
The Ultimate Shift! The Healing Power of Sound
One of the biggest issues that comes up regardless of where I work is the issue of people finding a sense of hope and fulfillment in their life. If we watch the news or listen…
Earth Ritual: Ask for Yourself What You Desire
This earth ritual facilitates the release of not-yet-manifested energy and the birth of a new vision. Earth’s energy in this cosmology is about nurturing, abundance, welcoming, and home. As you do this ritual, allow yourself…
Drumming and Dancing: Part I
This summer’s Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop was about combining the shamanic technique of drumming and journeying with the beautiful nature that was present on the island of Kauai. First Time Drummer One afternoon, we went…
Adventures in Hawaii
As I browse through my photos of my summer experiences, fond memories fill my mind. I have been home for just a few days and miss the island terribly. On my last evening on Kauai…
Life is Fun: Malidoma Somé on Simple Pleasures
Many of you know that I have done extensive training with Malidoma Somé and in my work with him have learned a lot about creating a space of fun and welcoming for the ancestors. When…
A Night of Drumming
Some of the time here on the island spontaneous occurrences present themselves. One night, my friend Terry Kingen was visiting me with his daughter, Tori, and she spotted my drums lined up along the wall.…
Tribal Connections Inspire Latest Album by The Healing Drummer
I’ve recently released a new album called Tribal Medicine. This CD features healing rhythms that are intended to restore listeners’ hearts and souls as the sensations of the healing drum infuses the body. Tribal Medicine offers…
Blues in the Basement, Part II
It was so fun watching Guy and Terry jam on those old dusty acoustic guitars. We started teasing Guy about how he emulates Jimi Hendrix so well and how I want to learn how to…
Blues in the Basement, Part 1
As I travel around and talk to people, my primary messages is about people shining the light in the world. Most of the time people hear me talk about this, but think about me standing…