One of the biggest issues that comes up regardless of where I work is the issue of people finding a sense of hope and fulfillment in their life. If we watch the news or listen to people around us, most of the time it seems as though the headlines are filled with only doom and gloom.
One of the most important things I have learned about life is energy attracts like energy! In other words, when you connect with the energy of doom and gloom, it is no wonder you feel down and hopeless. Conversely, when you connect to the energy of joy and hope, you began to experience greater joy and feel more hopeful!
Attracting Positive Energy Using Sound

It is really quite easy. Some might say easier said than done, and I would say that I agree. However, with focus and intention and a powerful tool—such as sound energy—the transformation of energy from sadness to joy, from hopelessness to hope, is much easier than you might think.
For the last two years I have been listening to a particular soundtrack almost every morning. It has made a phenomenal difference in my life. The moment I wake up, I turn it on. This is when I consume my first cup of coffee in the morning—and coffee does bring me great joy! I start the day with focused intention, and the vibration of the music helps me create the energy of attraction to joy and hope.
Come into Alignment with Your Intentions
Sometimes things happen. We live in this ordinary, three-dimensional world where not everybody has the same intentions as we do. Sometimes, if we are in a place of anger, frustration, or feel betrayed, we do not have very good intentions! But when we have a tool, such as a Shift It! Soundtrack, we can use that tool to help shift our energy. Sound is energy! By playing a soundtrack, beating on the drum, singing, or playing an instrument of any kind, we are creating an energy force that has an impact on us.
Even in the depths of despair, we can use the sound energy to disrupt the existing pattern that is not helpful and allow the energy of sound to disrupt and then reconfigure our energy field so that we can shift into a place that is in alignment with our intentions.
It is hard to feel down when you have a grooving song lifting you up. It is hard to feel depressed when the beat of the drum is calling happiness from your heart!
Shift It! to Joy and Hope
Here is an exercise for you to try:
Every morning when you wake up, play the soundtrack. It is only three minutes long. It will not disrupt your day, and I am quite certain you will feel a huge difference!

Now, I want you to imagine having your own personalized soundtrack that instead of three minutes it sends rejuvenating energy waves to you for thirty minutes! You can listen to it all day long if you like. Those who have had a Shift It! experience tell me that the more they listen to their soundtrack, the more immediate the effect of the shift!
The following sample is designed to do just that: call on joy and happiness from deep inside you and raise your energy level to meet the needs of the day! I hope you enjoy this Shift It!
Listen here to Shift It! to Joy & Hope
[mp3j track=”″ autoplay=”y” flip=”y” title=”Shift It! to Joy & Hope” vol=”100″]
Please contact me with any questions you have on how sound energy can heal your soul, or to order your own Shift It! soundtrack.