Drumming and Dancing: Part II

Beautiful Ocean

The drumming and dancing continued during that wonderful evening! The sun began to set, but while there was still light we were going to continue to drum and dance and honor the ocean and sacredness…


Drumming and Dancing: Part I

Dolphin woman Charlotte drumming.

This summer’s Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop was about combining the shamanic technique of drumming and journeying with the beautiful nature that was present on the island of Kauai. First Time Drummer One afternoon, we went…


Two New Flutes

Custom John Dumas Flutes

My friend Kathy Sampeck and I have been talking a lot about flutes lately. Native American-style flutes, bamboo flutes . . . for some reason, their beautiful sound and rich melodic tone have been tapping…


Perform this Water Ritual to Wash Away Obstacles

We perform rituals involving nature and its gifts to help rebalance our lives, shift energies, and experience an overall positive transformation. I’ve talked before about different restorative rituals, such as a transformative ritual using fire,…
