Coaching Tip Of The Day – Passion

Do You Have Passion For Your Life And Work? If you have passion, you can overcome problems and encourage inspiration and problem solving. This unstoppable force can create success even when there appears to be no…


Rituals – Morning Rituals

Rituals Are Actions With Specific Intention Or Meaning How you start your day makes all the difference in the world. It usually determines how it will end. So, start your day with consistent rituals that…


M.O.V.E. What is it?

I Am So Stoked About This Program! I have been developing this program in its current form for the last 18 months. It isa the distillation of 35 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience that…


Execution – How Will You Change What You Do?

When You Look Back In Time…are you where you want to be? You are where you are because of the actions you have taken and the plans, or not plans you have executed. One of…


4 Keys To Staying Motivated

Getting Motivated Is Easy, Staying Motivated Is Another Thing Altogether I’ve come out of motivational seminars just buzzing! Ready to take on the world and truly believing I had just met the most amazing human…


You, The Great Manifester! Part 3

Part 3 So you have caught yourself thinking something negative about yourself again. PERFECT. We can use that. Maybe you have even climbed onto your squeaky mental hamster wheel and began chanting that thought like…


Shift It! For Good Health and Wellbeing


Wellbeing, In the world of high stress that we live in, it is a constant battle to maintain a sense of peace and tranquility. With pollution in the air, processed food everywhere, maintaining a sense…


Earth Ritual: Ask for Yourself What You Desire

Malidoma Pondering Our Fate

This earth ritual facilitates the release of not-yet-manifested energy and the birth of a new vision. Earth’s energy in this cosmology is about nurturing, abundance, welcoming, and home. As you do this ritual, allow yourself…


Drumming and Dancing: Part I

Dolphin woman Charlotte drumming.

This summer’s Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop was about combining the shamanic technique of drumming and journeying with the beautiful nature that was present on the island of Kauai. First Time Drummer One afternoon, we went…


Adventures in Hawaii

As I browse through my photos of my summer experiences, fond memories fill my mind. I have been home for just a few days and miss the island terribly. On my last evening on Kauai…
