People say the kindest things…
I thought you might enjoy reading (or just scanning) a sampling of the warm words people send me. The comments are from private sessions, drumming workshops, performances, and from people listening to my music CDs.
“I closed my eyes and took a few deep, full breaths as the drumming began. As I listened to the sound of the drum, my perception began to change on its own. I began to feel the sound instead of just hearing it. The drumming beats became less individually distinguishable until they began to morph into a tribal-like, ceremonial pulse that I could feel in the marrow of my bones. I had a sense of continual change, somehow as if outside time. Gradually, or suddenly, I’m not sure which, my self-perception faded as I shifted. First, I could feel every cell vibrate, then, I became the vibration. The healing drum and I were one—our pulses, our rhythm, our heartbeats were the same. I found myself in a state in which I no longer identified with my physical body. Instead, I felt a state of peace unlike I had ever experienced, as if an inner rheostat had been turned up and I was an expression of the brightest light.
Although my physical eyes remained closed, I looked up and found myself lying in the center of a circle of unfamiliar faces…or were they? I knew that this was a circle, a community that was called by the drum on my behalf. I felt powerfully and lovingly held as I watched them dance, chant, rattle, and wave their arms in purposeful motions. I knew that these were my people, and that they had come together with me to celebrate my initiation back to my indigenous Self. This was the moment I learned that it is, in fact true: ‘The sound of the drum is the tuning of the Soul.'” — Jill in Calgary, Canada
“The personal drum healing session with you blew my socks off, opened nooks and crannies in my body and being, warming the cockles of my Scottish heart. As a Samhain birthday babe, I’ve always felt a connection with the other worlds…the fairies, earth spirits, angels…even the wisdom gleaned from playing with worms in the garden and stuff like that. After my session with you, all this is expanding with greater clarity and playfulness.” — Noreen in Cincinnati, Ohio
“This has been amazing. After our session on Tuesday night, I found myself lighter and more energized on Wednesday than I have felt in a long time. Someone at a class I taught on Wednesday asked if I had a new boyfriend since I was so up. Big thanks!” – – Lori in Portland, Oregon
“The experience that you opened for me on Wednesday morning was of such healing impact that I

have continued to take it all in…you are certainly an angel who provides a path to a heaven of perfect healing. I can appreciate the hard work that you maintain to create this path for others in need. It was such a privilege to receive your healing talents this week. The drumming has opened areas in my mid body, as I feel an energy there that I have not felt for six months. Much healing is taking place physically and mentally. I feel renewed and ready to focus on rest and nutrition in a way that I have not been able to respond recently.” — Debra in Los Angeles, California
“Thanks for another wonderful session! You’ve helped me help myself so much in the past year and I’m so grateful to have crossed your path in this lifetime. Each session has been an experience in releasing that years of ‘talk therapy’ can never touch.” — Kim in Washington, DC
“I will tell you, I have had a lot of therapy, treatments, and medical weirdness to get well; but nothing has changed me and my life-depression, outlook, mood…everything…more than my healing experience with you! As Paul McCartney said, “Baby, I’m amazed.” All I can say is wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please come back. Your talent and compassion is the best.” — Will in Columbus, Ohio
“It was the greatest pleasure to be touched by your magnificent healing drumming talents today. I shall never forget it! You have an energy and high vibration that is rarely experienced on this earth plane. Your new music is a perfect spiritual presentation.” — Dera in Portland, Oregon
“In my session with you the other day, I asked for emotional clarity as well as self-empowerment. It seems I was given what I asked for…I continue to be in awe of the amazing experiences that unfold. Even though I hold a very strong vision and knowing about you and the gifts you bring to the world, I am deeply moved by each occurrence. Your magic and the trail you leave move me beyond words. I’m so grateful for you and all you bring to my life.” — Barbara in Wyoming, Ohio
“I must admit that I was somewhat skeptical about the drum beats being able to change how I felt. However, after listening to the first song on one of the CDs you sent me I started to feel very energized. It was amazing! My mind is starting to open up to the possibilities.” — Bubba in San Marcos, Texas

“Toby Christensen is a master drummer and highly trained Shaman who, as he claims, doesn’t do the healing but uses the drumming to facilitate it…I didn’t know what changes might come over time, but I did know that it was impossible for my body to process so much energy without tangible change. And for the rest of the evening every cell in my body hummed harmoniously with the joy that I believe is inherent in us all. Thank you, Toby, for your exuberant energy and love.” — Randy in Vancouver, Canada
“I’ve worked with some incredible healers in my life, but I would say this has to be one of the most powerful healing sessions I’ve ever experienced.” — David in New York, New York
“Thank you so much for the session yesterday. It was wonderful! I feel healthier, clearer, calmer and happier than ever. Another interesting and fabulous effect I’ve noticed since last evening is that I no longer enjoy smoking cigarettes. I’ve only smoked three and a half today (normally it would have been at least ten by now) and the last half of one I smoked tasted absolutely nasty. I couldn’t finish it!” — Pam in Leesburg, Virginia
“I am amazed and humbled by the awesome strength and power that is unfurling here…like a magnificent cloth billowing fully in a slow motion wind. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Toby! You have gifted me in an unforgettable way. I am indebted to you in a deep and sincere way.” — Cindy in Tacoma Park, Maryland
“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t feel gratitude for the blessing you are to the world. It’s a beautiful thing to watch people recognize and honor you. You have a way of opening hearts, and if Spirit has its way, minds will follow. Over and over again, I watch the love and kindness you extend come back to you in expanded ways.” — Brenda in Los Angeles, California
“My life is easier and more fun by the day, and my experiences and feelings are becoming richer, deeper, and more powerful. I am more alive than I’ve ever been, and I thank you for all you’ve done in helping me get to this wonderful place…and this is just the beginning!” — Pam in Denver, Colorado
“I have been able to maintain a calm and positive outlook, despite some very difficult situations. I would not have imagined this possible otherwise. What a gift you have.” — Lana in Spokane, Washington
“Since our session, Toby, I definitely can feel the difference…what a wonderful thing that I came to see you. Thank you for your time drumming for me.” — Barbara in Stafford, Virginia
“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me achieve even more magic and joy and fun in my life. Since my session with you last week, I have continued to shift and flow and I enjoy my life, and each breath that I take, even more deliciously than ever. One of the coolest things I’ve EVER done is to effortlessly and delightfully transform myself from a 30- year smoker into a woman who does not, and hasn’t ever, smoked. Thank you for helping me achieve something that is impossible! I will always be grateful for the wonderful energy of you and your drum, and the healing that it has brought to me and to so many people that I love. Thank you so much for your beautiful work.” — Pam in Frederick, Virginia

“The drumming session was amazing! I am still vibrating! — William in Cincinnati, OH
“Well, my session with Toby was wonderful…oh, my word…wonderful!” — James in MD, Canada
“My session with Toby was incredible! I feel like he really cleared the path and set the intention for where I am going now.” — Amanda in Calgary, Canada
“Thank you again so very much for the wonderful gifts which you made possible for me to receive earlier this afternoon during my session. You gave me such a safe space within which to reconnect with my power and heritage. I cannot adequately express in English how much appreciation I feel for what you have done in assisting me in this miracle. I feel such a strong sense that I am myself again after experiencing so much pain and difficulty throughout the earlier parts of my life…and now all of that has changed. I will carry the memory of all that I had endured, but I will not continue to relive it each day.” — J. in Lexington, Kentucky
“I am very grateful for what you have done for me…there are no human words to express my gratitude :-)” — Melissa in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“I just wanted to send you a quick note to say THANK YOU for the beautiful energy you brought to Calgary this past weekend. What a blessing! I have definitely experienced a huge shift, both gentle and profound. The best way I can describe it is that I feel fully and completely in my body while feeling like I’m also somehow radiating beyond it. So lovely! I have to say, after a lifetime of struggling to embrace my body, yet never quite succeeding, I finally feel free of the self-judgment I have weighed myself down with.” — Tina in Alberta, BC, Canada
“Wow, Toby! Thank you so much for that truly amazing session! That was one of the most amazing healings I have ever experienced and I have walked in energy teachings for eleven years now. You held such a beautiful space and your music and energy has so much depth and healing…the whole session was so powerful, healing, and profound!” — Tara in Kapaa, Hawaii

“My session with you was truly a phenomenal experience and has touched my very soul so profoundly. Words do not do justice as to how the drums connect with every fiber of my being. For the very first time in a long time I feel like I’m alive again, waking up from a long slumber. Bless you for being the beautiful bright light that you are and spreading unconditional love and JOY into the lives of millions of people who need deep healing and happiness in their lives…uniting and bridging the different cultures and sowing the seeds of FUN through the beat of the drums.” — Fatima, Leesburg, Virginia
So if you want to feel like these people….give me a call or shoot me an email! I’ll hook you up!