A dear friend of mine recently sent me this quote about your bigness: Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our…
Tag: shining your light
Blues in the Basement, Part II
It was so fun watching Guy and Terry jam on those old dusty acoustic guitars. We started teasing Guy about how he emulates Jimi Hendrix so well and how I want to learn how to…
Blues in the Basement, Part 1
As I travel around and talk to people, my primary messages is about people shining the light in the world. Most of the time people hear me talk about this, but think about me standing…
Guy Johnson Shines His Light in the World
In previous postings I’ve talked about the amazing joy that I have experienced reuniting with some old childhood friends with whom I used to play music. One of these friends is Guy Johnson. On my…