New Exciting Offering – Change Everything For The Better By “Re-Coding”!
Sometimes the things that create problems in our life are not our problems at all… they are codes from our ancestral DNA that need Re-Coding. Therefore, Change Everything For The Better By “Re-Coding”!
- Do you look in the mirror sometimes and wonder who is looking back at you?
- Have you ever wondered what happened to the dreams of your youth?
- Ever feel like the game is ending and there is no chance of pulling a win?
Time to change up the game! – Change Everything For The Better By “Re-Coding”!
We all have aspects of our ancestors that we carry into this life. Unresolved issues of those who have come before us get passed down. Science calls it “Junk DNA”. I call it Ancestral Imprints. Yes, it can really SUCK! and you can Change Everything For The Better By “Re-Coding”!
The good news is that there is HOPE …” Re-Coding”.
Re-Coding is a carefully blended mix of indigenous ritual and Psycho-Acoustic Technology. In this application, we clear the ancestral imprints and recode your energy so you are free from the effects of your ancestor’s malady. Also, free to become the most amazing you possible!
5 Week Commitment, Not For The Faint Of Heart
The program takes five weeks. You receive a 30-minute soundtrack to listen to twice per day and a series of 5 rituals that will help restore your power. Don’t worry, they are very easy to do and do not require sacrificing farm animals! Contact me via the link below if you have any questions. Let’s get you cleared out and ready to become the awesome you that has been waiting to be seen!
You Recieve:
5 Private Coaching Sessions: You and I meet once per week to set up the ritual for the week and create and intention and work through issues that arise. These sessions will help build your confidence and give you clarity!
5 Custom Soundtracks: You will recieve a soundtrack each week that will support the work of the element of the week. It is a psycho-acoustic treatment to help shift your energy and enhanse your power.
5 Rituals to do daily: Ritual is the core to commitment. Each week you will have a ritual to do. This will give form to your desired outcome and show your ancestors and guides that you mean business. Don’t wory, the rituals are simple yet powerful and they do not require the sacrifice of animals 😉 just a small commitment of time each day. They will keep you focused and empowered.
Unlimited Support: as you work through the Re-Coding process, things will come up. Emotions will rise. Memories will return. Don’t worry, I have your back! You can email, text and calll anytime!
Learn More From Toby
CLICK HERE to contact Toby to work one-on-one to learn more about embracing the power of : Change Everything For The Better By “Re-Coding”!
More Information Here
https://www.healingdrummer.com/private-sessions/ Scroll down to “Re-Coding”