How Do You Spend Your Down Time? What are your sales cycles? When are you naturally busy and when are you typically slow? How do you fix it? Depression or Action? Find 3 things you…
Tag: business
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Journey And Destination
Can It Be Both? Enjoy the journey with a desired destination. How is that for a plan? I enjoy my journey to Kauai and I know exactly the destination when I arrive! Kalapaki Bay. Live…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Solution Or Surrender
When You Hit The Wall When the shit hits the fan, the deal fails and your customers disappear do you give up? When you make a critical error and really mess things up do you…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Goal Oriented Approach
Do You Have A Plan? Focused intention is the key. Write down your goal and the steps to get there. Where are you going, how are you going to get there and how are you…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – One Hit Wonder
In It For The Long Haul Sometimes fast growth means fast decline. The Baha Men won a grammy their first year on the charts and we have never heard from them since. Think sustainability with…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Your Next Best Move
How Do You Overcome Sales Cycle? When you see business going away, do you ask why? Is it your product, service or opportunity you are missing? Do you look for cycles in your business? You…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – One Night Or Long Term
On A One Night Stand There Is No Sustainable Value When you think long term, you build trust and credibility. Your ROI increases the longer you maintain the relationship. Build Relationships and You Will Have…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Want Or Care
Do You Just Want To Make A Sale? Do you really care or do you just want to take? This energy will show itself sooner or later. When you care, you keep your pulse on…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – You Are What You Eat
What You Feed Your Mind Is What You Become Just like eating massive amounts of fast food will make you unhealthy and create disease process, what you put in your mind will do the same.…
Coaching Tip Of The Day – Sustainability
How Long Will Your Work Last? Is what you do something that will last? Do you think BIG PICTURE? Are you thinking about what your work will look like 10 years from now? Short Term…