Understanding Sound: Part 2

This is the second post in Toby’s Understanding Sound article series. The first part can be read here. Sound’s Rhythm Much of the power of sound lies in its cyclical beat, better known as rhythm.…


Grounded Expansion

Grounded Expansion Grounded expansion is important in this fast-paced world, I hear a lot of people talking about needing to get grounded. At the same time, there is such a need to expand out in…


Culture and Nature Weaving Our Worlds

Nature is a powerful force around us. It has the power to bring great pleasure and relaxation, such as laying on a beautiful sunny beach by the ocean or sailing on a cool clear lake.…


Shift Into Happiness!

Back Camera

Shift Into Happiness His Holiness the Dalai Lama was in Honolulu a few months ago. After a private meeting with some people here on the island, he held a press conference. In the press conference,…


Shift Your Energy With “Shift It!”

Music is an effective energy booster!

Ever have one of those days when you just cannot seem to get things rolling? Ever get stuck? Do you feel at times that there is just simply not enough energy within your being to…


Drumming and Dancing: Part I

Dolphin woman Charlotte drumming.

This summer’s Advanced Shamanic Training Workshop was about combining the shamanic technique of drumming and journeying with the beautiful nature that was present on the island of Kauai. First Time Drummer One afternoon, we went…


Adventures in Hawaii

As I browse through my photos of my summer experiences, fond memories fill my mind. I have been home for just a few days and miss the island terribly. On my last evening on Kauai…


Music Night at Toby’s Hawaii House

Sherie with Toby on guitar.

As my adventures on the island of Kauai unfolded, I had the pleasure of having a couple of friends visit from the mainland. Terry Kingen has been a great friend of mine since elementary school.…


Full Moon Ceremony: Part 2

Toby rips it up on a full moon!

I love the comments that I received from my first posting about our full moon fire ceremony that took place this past July. Since then I have had the opportunity to do several sessions on…
