Remember Your Greatness Is The Best Remember Your Greatness! This is the most powerful thing you can do. If you focus on your failures you will create more opportunities to repeat them. If you focus…
Tag: law of attraction
You, The Great Manifester! Part 2
Part 2 In part 2, we will learn from children! They can be our greatest teachers! To get an idea of how far we have strayed from creating endless possibilities for ourselves. Listen to small children’s…
Shift It! For Good Health and Wellbeing
Wellbeing, In the world of high stress that we live in, it is a constant battle to maintain a sense of peace and tranquility. With pollution in the air, processed food everywhere, maintaining a sense…
The Ultimate Shift! The Healing Power of Sound
One of the biggest issues that comes up regardless of where I work is the issue of people finding a sense of hope and fulfillment in their life. If we watch the news or listen…