Shit That Is Your Fault

Shit That Is Your FaultCoach Toby Christensen shit that is your fault

Things you need to take responsibility for and shit that is your fault. Choices you make are your fault. After landing my dream job I moved to Portland, Oregon. I had more fun and made more money than I ever imagined.

I made many good choices as a buyer for Nordstrom, which led to me to being recruited by a world-class startup. It was an athletic shoe company. In this environment, I was able to be creative, expressive, and excel in any way that I put my focus towards. It was the opposite of the rigid corporate structure I had been locked into at Nordstrom.

Good Decisions Get Good Results Bad Decisions…

I loved this job, I loved making tons of money, I loved driving new BMWs, I loved taking exotic vacations, and then I fell in love with cocaine.

Although I had made many good choices to get to where I was, I then I began to make some very bad choices fueled by drugs, alcohol, and a very out-of-control lifestyle.

These choices were my fault. I allowed my own selfish ambition, an overinflated ego, an exaggerated sense of self, and complete lack of social protocol to rule my life taking me from the great heights of success to the darkest dungeon of despair.

Lessions Learned

Self-Empowerment Trainer Toby ChristensenNow, I’m not saying I didn’t learn a lot of very powerful lessons that have made my life today much better. I’m simply saying that I am fully responsible for the choices I made. The ones that plummeted my great life to the ground in a disastrous train wreck. The choices I made were about having reckless fun and pleasure over any other priority in my life. These choices are definitely my fault.

What about you?

What about the shit that is your fault? If you have made some of these similar choices, I feel for you. Also, I know how to work through them and I will help you. The consequences of your choices do not always have to be permanently attached to you.

There is a relief and there is forgiveness. We all make choices that are not in alignment with your core values or highest potential.

The information in this blog is from my new book: Release Your Sh*t & Reclaim Your Power

CLICK HERE > to order your copy. Available in paperback or downloadable PDF

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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