Free Coaching Course – Month One Video #2 Play A Bigger Game

What Is The Bigger Game?

Playing a bigger game is the process of shifting from being a follower to being a leader.

In his Rooftop Leadership corporate coaching Scott Mann talks about the importance of owning the room, owning your life and being a leader.

His work has been impactful and helped me direct my intention towards leadership

Questions to Ponder:

  • Are you a leader or a follower?
  • Do you set trends or follow them?
  • Are you a trail blazer or do you follow the well worn path?
  • Are you concerned about what people think of you?

Benefits Of Being a Follower

It is much easier to be a follower!

I understand why people do it.

1- It is safe.

When you follow you are in a group of like minded people following directions from the people who know what to do.

2- It is risk free.

When you are on a pathway and the outcome has been predetermined, there is no risk because the leader is guiding you…nice.

3- It is clear.

When people search for followers they have a clear path for you to follow so you don’t think. If you start thinking, you might want to change something and that would mean you would have to become a leader!

Being A Leader Is Dangerous!

Leaders change the world. Which means they push people out of their comfort zones.

As a leader, you face great risk. You have to find or create the path.

Leading is filled with uncertainty!

Watch The Video and Play The Bigger Game!


Categorized as Coaching

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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